SEND Information
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
If you have any SEND queries please contact our SEND department via email on send@salegrammar.co.uk or by telephone on 0161 973 3217 extension 6229.
Here at Sale Grammar School, we provide a high-quality education for all our students, no matter what additional need they might have. We have a SEND Team which is currently being led by Mrs Rebecca Crowther.
Mrs Crowther
We also have a team of Teaching Assistants who not only support students in lessons, but also offer additional support to students through a range of different interventions within our dedicated space, called ‘The Hub’. The Hub is a space which any student can access, and is a space where students feel confident and safe to express any concerns that they might have about any areas of their learning, or their emotional health and wellbeing. The Hub helps students to build strong relationships with other staff and students and all work here is coordinated by the Hub Manager Mrs Sarah Linkman.
Mrs Linkman
The Government sets out four areas of SEND need, and our SEND report outlines to you the range of needs that we have here at Sale Grammar School.
- Cognition and Learning
- Communication and Language
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)
- Sensory/Physical Need
Our SEND policy is for all young people in the School who have additional or special educational needs. The policy also applies to anyone else that works with us in the SEND process including parents/carers, governors and other outside agencies. Our SEND report outlines to you our overall SEND work across the School and how we approach our offer here at Sale Grammar School. Links to both these documents can be found below. As part of our commitment to our students’ SEMH needs, we also have other information on our school website here, which also outlines other aspects of our offer including art therapy. Our SEND policy and approach is guided by our school values of Act, Aspire, Achieve, and is also underpinned by:
- Equality for all
- Recognition of individual differences with special regard for young people with SEND
- The development of skills for life through the provision of appropriate learning opportunities
- A constant search for improvement in the quality of service provided to all young people including those with SEND
- Commitment to the statutory requirements of legislation including partnership between students, parents/carers and professionals
It is important that our parents/carers and prospective parents/carers feel able to approach the school with any concerns or questions that they might have about their child, in relation to SEND. We ask that they raise anything with their child’s Head of Progress and Learning, or directly with our SENCO in order that we can continue to support our students in the best way possible to achieve their highly across all areas of their life.
The governing body has a responsibility to ensure that Sale Grammar School delivers the best outcomes for pupils, including those with special education needs and disabilities (SEND). Mrs Zoe Ashworth is the SEND link Governor and she meets regularly with the SENCO and ensures that the full governing body is kept up to date with relevant information in relation to SEND
The Trafford Local Offer provides information for parents/carers in one place, helping young people and their parents/carers to understand what services and support they can expect from a range of local agencies, alongside their statutory entitlement. A link to the Trafford Local Offer can be found here and you can also sign up for their link newsletter here.
Please find below links to our relevant policies and documentation.
Page Documents |
SEND Register Update |
A Guide to the Hub |
SEND Information Report |