

Spines 220x176Learning to both use and understand language and all its subtleties is an invaluable life skill. We want our students to be able to find their own voice so that they can express themselves confidently, clearly and appropriately. We aim to stimulate students’ creativity and curiosity as they develop ideas.  We encourage our students to read widely, experiencing a wealth of literary texts and forms from different eras. Our students develop secure comprehension skills, acquire a diverse vocabulary, and experience different cultures and worlds other than those which they inhabit. This enhances their ability to interpret and empathise. Through our curriculum, students will develop the skills and knowledge to improve technical accuracy in vocabulary, grammar, syntax and spelling.

We aim to develop assured, engaging speakers in both formal and informal settings and enhance students’ listening skills. We believe that by listening to others, students can have their own ideas challenged and their knowledge and understanding will increase. Students are also encouraged to take part in a range of experiences outside the classroom so that they can continue to enjoy the subject through different stages of their lives.  

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview2024 Update illustration for website

The Key Stage 3 curriculum offers our students a rich, diverse, engaging and challenging experience that develops reading, writing and speaking and listening skills. In each year group, students read a full novel and study a Shakespeare play. At least one scheme in each year group also focuses predominantly on a more modern fiction text. Each of our schemes of work aims to enhance students’ abilities with regards to: older, pre-1914 fiction, poetry (including pre-1914 poetry), creative writing, pre-1914 non-fiction texts, modern non-fiction texts and writing for a range of non-fiction purposes.


Year 7 and Year 8

In Years 7 and 8, pupils are taught in form groups. They have six English lessons per fortnight. Homework tasks are set on a weekly basis.

At Key Stage 3, it can be necessary to ‘split’ a class between two teachers.  Where this occurs, the two teachers will be in regular contact to ensure that all areas of the curriculum are covered.  Educational and administrative tasks including the setting of Homework task, report writing and attendance at Parents’ Evenings will be shared between staff.

Year 9

In Year 9, the form groups are reorganised for English lessons.  Three form groups are combined and re-divided.  The content of the groups will be determined by the Year 8 teachers and will as far as possible, be equal in terms of ability and gender. Homework is set on a weekly basis.

Key Stage 4 & 5 Curriculum Overview  

At GCSE, we follow the AQA specifications for both Language and Literature. All students do both subjects.

Students continue to develop skills they have learned at Key Stage 3. Reading is central to both subjects. A variety of texts and extracts are covered. These include fiction and non-fiction from the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty first centuries. Reading, writing and speaking and listening tasks are included throughout, as are the genres of poetry, novels and plays.KS45 Cur Journey

At Key Stage 5, we offer two A Levels, namely English Language and English Literature.  We also offer AS in both subjects.  For English Language AS and A Level we study the Edexcel specification, the AS and A Level being completely co-teachable, so that the material covered in Year 12 covers both the AS and half of the A Level content, which is then built on in the delivery of content in Year 13 for the A Level.  For English Language there are 4 components for assessment over the 2 years, the first 3 being examination papers, the fourth being coursework (NEA).  For English Literature A Level, we study AQA Specification B and there are 2 components, or examination papers; these are Comedy and Crime. There is also a coursework (NEA) component. For AS English Literature, an additional text; currently Jane Austen's 'Emma' is studied.

Our Key Stage 5 courses are delivered by subject specialists and include comprehensive and challenging schemes of work for each unit.  Each A Level is delivered by two teachers, providing complementary as well as overlapping teaching styles and expertise content.  Students are afforded opportunities to develop formal speaking and listening presentation skills throughout the course.  Additionally, students are afforded a range of opportunities to develop skills and links to enhance their personal development beyond Year 13, whether educational or otherwise.

When available, theatre trips and lectures are organised to support the delivery of the set texts. 

Extra Curricular 

  • Book Club
  • Creative Writing Club
  • Poetry Club
  • Theatre productions, including online RSC streaming
  • Visiting authors when possible / relevant
  • Links with Elizabeth Gaskell House, John Rylands Library and the National Football Museum

Recommended Reading 

Please click here to view the Year 7 recommended reading. 

Please click here to view the Year 8 recommended reading. 

Please click here to view the Year 9 recommended reading. 

Key Stage 3 Learning Objectives

Key Stage 3 Schemes of Work 

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Dracula and the Gothic

World of Espionage

Pole to Pole

Our World

The Unknown

The Woman in Black

Eleven Eleven

The Tempest

Lit’s Most Wanted

Mystery and Suspense

Manchester and Beyond

Romeo and Juliet

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Myths and Legends



School Drama


Year 7 Learning Objectives

Skill Focus Texts Learning Objectives
Introducing older texts Introduction to Gothic with extracts from older texts eg. ‘Dracula’ novel, although students also examine an extract from modern gothic novel ‘My Swordhand is Singing’ as well as using a playscript adaptation of ‘Dracula’ to explore the full plot -to introduce the conventions of the Gothic genre

- to understand presentation of character in the opening of Dracula

-To understand how to effectively support ideas with textual references

- To explore how tension is created

- To understand how language choices can be used to create a sense of character

-To develop skills of inference

To develop skills in retrieving information, with a focus on female characters

-To introduce the SQI model

-To develop ambitious vocabulary linked to atmosphere

- to start to consider the influence of context on the reading of a text

To further develop skills of inference and use of SQI
- To develop language analysis and use of IEC method

Introducing 19th-century poetry

The Laboratory

- To develop confidence in exploring C19th Poetry

- To explore the presentation of character in poetry

-To explore imagery, mood and structure in a poem

Introducing creative writing

Diary & letter

To understand how to write from a character’s perspective

-To understand how to write for the purpose, audience and form (of a diary and letter)

Introducing 19th-century non-fiction

Introducing older texts – Robert Scott’s Diary

Darwin’s Diary

-To develop skills of summarising ideas of older texts

-To develop understanding of applying the SQI model

-To explore how language is used to present thoughts and feelings of the character

Introducing linked 21st-century non-fiction: exploring connections and themes

‘Renfield the Hidden Hero’ essay

Book review of ‘Dracula’

Book review of ‘My Swordhand is Singing’

-To develop comprehension skills to understand key ideas in an information text

To examine how a review is structured and the effect the author’s choice of topic order has on the reader

Introducing non-fiction writing

Newspaper Report writing – The Shipwreck

- To understand the features of discursive writing

- To learn how to structure discursive writing

- To revise and develop knowledge of discourse markers for discussion

  • To understand the features of a newspaper report
  • To learn how to structure a newspaper report effectively
  • To learn how to adapt writing to suit audience, purpose and form


  • To review Dracula and to write your own review using relevant generic features.
  • To plan an informative piece ‘A Guide to Vampire Hunting’ focusing on purpose and audience.

Year 8 Learning Objectives

Skill Focus Texts Learning Objectives
Reading between the lines in 19th-century fiction Hound of Baskervilles (Students to read the whole novel) -To develop confidence with comprehension of a whole 19th C fiction text

- To develop retrieval skills in extracting less obvious information from a 19th C text

-To use inference and deduction to explore characters and meanings

- To develop speculation skills

- To practise applying your inference and speculation skills

- To revise the SQI method

- To consider how language choices are used to create setting and atmosphere

- To revise the IEC method

- To consider how the writer uses structure to engage the reader

- To secure use of quotations to support points

- To explore the context of the Victorian era

- To explore the context of the detective novel

Introducing more skills with poetry: exploring inference

About his Person – Simon Armitage

-To further develop skills of inference when analysing a modern poem

Introducing more skills with creative writing

Descriptive tasks based upon creating setting in the style of ‘The Hound of Baskervilles’

Assessment to be based on writing a section of their own murder mystery creating setting, atmosphere and tension

They produce their own opening of a spy novel

-To plan and write a first person / third person narrative

-To develop skills in creative writing by considering atmosphere, imagery, thoughts and feelings appropriate to genre

-To develop confidence in selecting ambitious vocabulary

-To revise dashes and colons and explore how they can be used for impact in mystery writing

-To consolidate your understanding of how to create an effective narrative hook

Introducing more skills with understanding 19th-century non-fiction: considering point of view (&develop links between texts)

Jack the Ripper articles from Victorian newspapers

- To select, retrieve, and make inferences from a 19th century fiction text

- To further secure the SQI method in interpreting non-fiction texts

- To learn about the context of crime in Victorian London

- To explore and compare point of view between two 19th C non fiction sources

Introducing more skills with linked 21st-century non-fiction: considering point of view

-article about a house fit for a spy

-estate agent’s brochure for a spy house

- To secure comprehension skills about 21st non-fiction

- Develop an understanding of more sophisticated persuasive language techniques

Introducing more skills with discursive writing

Writing estate agent’s brochure for a house fit for a spy

- To develop more sophisticated persuasive writing through subtle manipulation of language

  Year 9 Learning Objectives 

Skill Focus Text Learning Objectives 

Developing skills with 19th-century fiction: planning an essay task

Heart of Darkness

- To read and understand 19th-century fiction

- To explore and draw inferences about how a writer uses language to create atmosphere

- To develop analysis of language using the IEC model

Developing skills with 19th-century poetry: looking at the structure and imagery of two contrasting poems

Composed upon Westminster Bridge

-To explore the viewpoint of a poet in presenting London compared to other forms (prose and painting)

- To develop skills in reading and exploring the language and structure of a 19th-century poem - To secure use of IEC model, and further develop it

- To understand how context can inform different readings of texts

Developing skills in creative writing: structural special effects

Write their own travelogue

- To plan and write a creative piece using ambitious imagery, language and structural techniques

- To further secure how to craft sentences, and vary sentence openers

 - To secure an understanding of how contrasting images can be used in descriptive writing
Developing understanding 19th- century non-fiction ‘The Passage Out’, Charles Dickens

- To consider ways of working out meaning in older texts

- To synthesise key ideas in a non-fiction text

- To further develop skills of inference

- To further develop understanding of the SQI model - To explore writer’s viewpoint

- To develop skills of critical evaluation, using the SQI model

- To explore the effects of language and structural choices, using the IEC model

Developing skills with linked 21st-century non-fiction: exploring a writer’s point of view

-Storm at Sea, Clare Francis











Exmouth Market – Lonely Planet Travel Guide and Travelogue






Majestic Morocco – Travel Brochure

-To understand a writer’s viewpoint and methods in a modern piece of non-fiction

-To develop skills of synthesis

 -To present and support responses analysing viewpoint and method

- To develop skills of comparison between modern and older non-fiction texts

 - To develop a longer written response comparing viewpoints and integrating writer’s methods, using SQI and IEC

- To develop understanding of audience and purpose in non-fiction writing

- To analyse how purpose can influence language and structural features in non-fiction writing

 - To apply understanding of writing for different purposes in own writing

- To understand the features of writing to persuade and inform - --To secure language analysis skills using IEC method

- To develop understanding of MADFOREST

Developing discursive writing

Dark Tourism article Wildlife.

Not Entertainers Campaign Leaflet

-To further develop understanding of brochures

-To develop skills of planning and also editing own writing

-To apply persuasive writing techniques to own writing for a specific audience.

-To understand more key techniques of writing with a strong viewpoint

-To plan and present an effective speech presenting a point of view

Key Stage 4 Learning Objectives

English Language Overview


Paper 1: Shakespeare and the 19th - Century Novel  paper 2: Modern texts and Poetry 

What's Assessed: 

  • Shakespeare
  • The 19th- Century Novel 

What's Assessed:

  • Modern Texts
  • Poetry
  • Unseen Poetry

How it's Assessed

  • Written exam: 1 hou 45minutes
  • 64 marks
  • 40% of GCSE

How It's Assessed

  • Written exam: 2 hour 15 minutes
  • 96 marks
  • 60% of GCSE 


Section A Shakespeare: Students will answer one question on their play of choice.  They will be require to write in detail about an extract from the play and then to write about the play as a whole. 

Section B The 19th-Century Novel:  Students will answer one question on their novel of choice.  They will be required to write in detail about an extract from the novel and then to write about the novel as a whole. 


Section A Modern Texts: Students will answer one essay question from a choice of two on their studied modern prose of drama text. 

Section B Poetry: Students will answer one comparative question on one named poem printed on the paper and one other poem from their chosen anthology cluster. 

Section C Unseen Poetry:  Students will answer one question on one unseen poem and one question comparing this poem with a second unseen poem. 

Set Text Choices for Literature

  • Shakespeare: Macbeth
  • 19th century novel: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
  • Modern text: An Inspector Calls
  • Poetry: Power and Conflict (from the AQA anthology)

Students are provided with the set texts. However, should they wish to annotate a text, they will need to purchase their own additional copy.

Our Two Year Plan

Year 10

Exam component and text

Course content and learning outcomes

Autumn 1

Introduction to course


English Literature Paper 1: Macbeth

Half Termly assessment


Students are given a short introduction to the course content and requirements.



English Literature Paper 1: Macbeth

Students develop an overview of the 2 GCSEs

They secure knowledge of relevant Shakespearean contextual information and the

plot, characters, themes and genre of Macbeth. Students develop their analytical skills and their essay writing skills. Including under timed conditions.

Autumn 2

Finish Macbeth

English Language Paper 1: Creative Reading and Writing


Half Termly assessment




English Language Paper 1: Reading

Students develop a secure understanding of the different requirements for each question

type in Section A: specifically, information retrieval, language and structural analysis and

skills of critical evaluation. Students will be learning to read fictional texts, consider how

established writers use narrative and descriptive techniques to capture the interest of readers.


Spring 1

English Language Paper 1

Half Termly Assessment


English Language Paper 1 Writing

Students develop skills of crafting their own creative writing, both descriptive and narrative

in response to a written prompt, scenario or visual image. They will practise writing under timed conditions. They must ensure that they spell and punctuate effectively.



Spring 2

English Literature Paper 1: Jekyll and Hyde

Half Termly assessment


English Literature Paper 1: Jekyll and Hyde

Students will secure knowledge of relevant Victorian contextual information and the

plot, characters, themes and genre of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

Students develop their analytical skills and their essay writing skills. Including under timed



Summer 1

Finish Jekyll and Hyde

English Literature Paper 2: An Inspector Calls


Half Termly assessment



English Literature Paper 2: An Inspector Calls

       Students will prepare to answer one essay question from a choice of two on their studied

       modern drama text.


Students will secure knowledge of relevant Edwardian contextual information and the

plot, characters, themes and genre of ‘An Inspector Calls’.

Students develop their analytical skills and their essay writing skills, including under timed





Summer 2

Finish ‘An Inspector Calls’

Summer Mocks: English

English Literature Paper 2: Start Power and Conflict Poetry

NEA Speaking and Listening Task






Language Paper 1 and English Literature Paper 1


Power and Conflict Poetry

Students will start to explore the nuances of the theme of power and conflict and will recap

the features of poetry. They will study one cluster of poems taken from the AQA poetry anthology, ‘Poems Past and Present’ and will learn to compare two poems in one essay.


Speaking and Listening Task

Students will develop skills of planning and delivering an effective presentation to the group

using structural, linguistic, and non -verbal features. Students can choose their own topic with

 guidance from the class teacher.


The NEA is marked by teacher and is a separate endorsement (0% weighting of GCSE)






Year 11

Exam component and text

Course content and learning outcomes

Autumn 1

English Literature Paper 2: Power and Conflict Poetry


Half Termly Assessment

Revision of Literature Paper 1 texts

Macbeth and Jekyll and Hyde

Start Unseen Poetry







In preparing for the unseen poetry section of the examination, students will experience a range of poetry. They should be able to analyse and compare key features.

Autumn 2

English Language Paper 2: Writers' Viewpoints and Perspectives    Section A (Reading) and B (Writing)





Section B: Writing, will be developed further and re-visited in the Spring term.




Half termly assessment

Revision of Literature Paper 2 texts

An Inspector Calls, Power and Conflict poetry.


Unseen Poetry (information as in autumn 1 when unseen poetry was introduced).


Students will need to adjust to reading and analysing one non-fiction text and one literary non-fiction text which is a task of greater complexity than Paper 1.

Students will develop familiarity with different genres eg high quality journalism, articles, letters and diaries.

In Section B, students will produce a written text to a specified audience, purpose and form in which they give their own perspective on the theme that has been introduced to them in section A





Spring 1

Assessment Week/Mocks: English Literature Paper 2 and English Language Paper 2


English Language Paper 2 Section B

Further development of work started in Autumn 2.


Students will complete ‘mock’ examinations.


After the ‘mocks’ students will revisit English Language Paper 2, section B: writing.

Spring 2

Revision: Paper 1 Literature

Revision: Paper 1 Language



Students will develop skills of retrieval to help develop knowledge and will practise and further develop essay writing skills in order to prepare for the final examinations.

Summer 1

Revision: Paper 2 Literature

Revision: Paper 2 Language

As above complete final revision and examination practice.

Additional Support 

Students will receive targeted support through the intervention programme. The English Faculty runs revision sessions before ‘mock exams’ and in the second term of Year 11. The sessions take place both at lunchtimes and after school.

Information on revision guides and websites is available in the KS4 Handbook.

Key Stage 5 Learning Objectives

English Language Key Stage 5 


Teacher A (5 lessons)

Teacher B (4 lessons)

Autumn  Term

Half Term 1

Component 1 AS (Language: Context and Identity) and A Level: (Language: Language Variation).

Introduction to course and study of English Language


Language Levels

Grammar/Morphology/Syntax, Discourse,



Language and Context


Introduction to course and study of English Language


Language Levels

Graphology, Phonetics/ Phonology/ Prosody,

Lexis/ Semantics


Language and Context

Audience, Field, Function

Autumn Term

Half Term 2

AS and A Level Component 1.

AS and A Level Component 2: Child Language.

Language and Context continued



Language and Identity/ Language Variation

Accent and Dialect, Social Class, Language and Power, Gender and Sexuality, Occupation, Ethnicity, Age

Child Language: Spoken Language

The Acquisition of Spoken Language in children aged 0-8





Spring Term

Half Term 1

AS and A Level Component 1.

AS and A Level Component 2: Child Language.

Language and Identity/ Language Variation continued



Child Language: Spoken Language continued




Spring Term

Half Term 2

AS and A Level Component 1.AS and A Level Component 2: Child Language.

Language and Identity / Language Variation continued



Child Language: Written Language

(The Acquisition of Written Language in children 0-8)


Summer Term

Half Term 1

AS and A Level Component 1.

AS and A Level Component 2: Child Language

A Level Component 4: Non-Examination Assessment

Revision of Paper 1




Introduce NEA Crafting Language

Revision of Paper 2




Introduce NEA Crafting Language

Summer Term

Half Term 2

AS and A Level Component 1.

AS and A Level Component 2: Child Language.

A Level Component 3: Investigating Language.

A Level Component 4: Non-Examination Assessment

AS public examination/ Mocks




Introduction to A Level Paper 3 Investigating

AS public examination/ Mocks




NEA Crafting Language –produce drafts of original writing pieces


Teacher A (4 lessons)

Teacher B (5 lessons

Autumn Term

Half Term 1

A Level Component 3: Investigating Language.

A Level Component 4: Non-Examination Assessment

A Level Component 1: Language Variation

Paper 3: Investigating Language

Component 4: NEA Crafting Language

(submit by the end of this half term)


Paper 1 Section B: Variation over time

(Development of the English Language from 1550 to the present day)

Autumn Term

Half Term 2

A Level Component 1: Language Variation

A Level Component 3: Investigating Language.

Revision of Paper 1: Individual Variation for Section A


Paper 3: Investigating Language  

(Pre-release sub-topic is available from December)

Paper 1 Section B: Variation over time continued

Spring Term

Half Term 1

A Level Component 1: Language Variation

A Level Component 2: Child Language

A Level Component 3: Investigating Language.

Paper 3: Investigating Language continued


Revision of Paper2: Child Language


Paper 1 Section B Variation over time continued


Paper 3: Investigating Language  continued and as needed by teacher A

Spring Term

Half Term 2

A Level Component 1: Language Variation

A Level Component 2: Child Language

Revision of Paper 2: Child Language

Revision of Paper 1 Section A: Individual Variation

Summer Term

Half Term 1

A Level Component 1: Language Variation

A Level Component 2: Child Language

A Level Component 3: Investigating Language.

Revision of Paper 3: Investigating Language


Revision of Paper 2: Child Language

Revision of Paper 1: Language Variation


Revise Paper 3: Investigating Language

Summer Term

Half term 2

A Level Component 1: Language Variation

A Level Component 2: Child Language

A Level Component 3: Investigating Language.

Revise Paper 3: Investigating Language


Revise Paper 2: Child Language


Public Examinations

Revise Paper 1: Language Variation


Revise Paper 3: Investigating Language


Public Examinations

Enrichment Opportunities for A-Level Students 

  • Visiting speakers and links to industry
  • Trips to museums and libraries
  • University workshops and taster days,
  • Interschool Sixth Form Book Club
  • Creative Writing Club
  • Newsletter production
  • Competitions
  • Theatre productions, including online streaming

English Literature Key Stage 5 


Teacher A (5 lessons)

Teacher B (4 lessons)

Autumn  Term

Half Term 1


Paper 1 –Aspects of Comedy AS and A Level

Introduction to the course


Independent research on context for  ‘Twelfth Night’ and a mini-presentation.


The history and origins of the genre of comedy within literary tradition


Close study of Twelfth Night

Introduction to the course


 Independent research on context for  ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ and a mini-presentation.


The history and origins of the genre of comedy within literary tradition



Close study of The Importance of Being Earnest



Autumn  Term

Half Term 2


Paper 1 –Aspects of Comedy


Twelfth Night continued


Comedy Poetry Anthology

Importance of Being Earnest continued


Comedy Poetry Anthology  


Spring  Term

Half Term 1


Paper 1 –Aspects of Comedy



Finish Twelfth Night


Comedy Poetry Anthology continued


Critical Anthology


Comedy Poetry Anthology continued




Critical Anthology



Spring  Term

Half Term 2



Paper 2 – Elements of Crime


Critical Anthology continued


Introduction to the genre of crime


Critical Anthology continued


Introduction to the genre of crime



Summer Term

Half Term 1



Paper 1 –Aspects of Comedy




NEA Coursework


Revision of Twelfth Night

NEA Coursework


Revision of The Importance of Being Earnest

Summer Term

Half Term 2



Paper 2 – Elements of Crime


NEA Coursework


Start Crime Novel

NEA Coursework


Start Crime Poetry


Teacher A (4 lessons)

Teacher B (5 lessons)

Autumn Term

Half Term 1 A Level only 

Finish Crime Poetry


Unseen Crime extratcs

Revision of Twelfth Night


Finalise  NEA

Finish Atonement


Unseen Crmie extracts


Revision of The Importance of Being Earnest


Finalise NEA

Autumn Term

Half Term 2



Spring Term

Half Term 1



Spring Term

Half Term 2



Summer Term

Half Term 1



Summer Term

Half Term 2







Teacher 1 (5 lessons)



Paper 2A- Elements of Crime Writing



Teacher 2 (4 lessons)




Paper 2A- Elements of Crime Writing

  1. Finish teaching Atonement


  1. Tie in some Section A unseen extracts as teaching Atonement



No 22.


  1. 1 week revision of The Importance of Being Earnest and Comedy  poetry.  Complete a knowledge test and an essay plan


  1. Produce draft 2 of NEA Piece 2
  1. Finish Teaching Rime of the Ancient Mariner


  1. Tie in some Section A unseen extracts as teaching Rime of the Ancient Mariner



  1. Teach Crabbe and Wilde poems


  1. 1 week revision of Twelfth Night.   Complete a knowledge test and an essay plan



  1. Produce draft 2 of NEA Piece 2

Half-termly assessment on Paper 2- Aspects of Crime Section B on Atonement

Half-termly assessment on Paper– Aspects of Crime Section C on Mariner and Browning/Crabbe/Wilde poems .

Also a Section A – split marking of latter



Paper 2A- Elements of Crime Writing



Paper 2A- Elements of Crime Writing

  1. Finish teaching Atonement


No 26.






  1. 1 week on The Importance of Being Earnest and Comedy poetry revision


  1. Both pieces of coursework to be completed by end of term

No 25.


  1. Revisit Unseen Crime extract Section A and work on exam technique and selection of texts for Sections B & C




  1. 1 week revision on Twelfth Night



  1. Both pieces of coursework to be completed by end of term

Whole Paper 1 in timed conditions across lessons and into lunch/after school.



Paper 2




Paper 2

  1. Mocks (whole Paper 2)


  1. Develop examination skills




  1. Revision of texts: Paper 2 Atonement and  Paper 2 Poetry

29.    Mocks (whole Paper 2)


30.Develop examination skills




31.Revision of texts: Poetry Paper 2 and also Paper 1 Twelfth Night



Paper 2 Section C Atonement & Poetry

Paper 1 Twelfth Night Section A or B



Paper 2A- Elements of Crime Writing

Revise Paper 1B



Paper 2A- Elements of Crime Writing

  1. Teach Paper 2 Section B and C – Atonement and connection of other texts with Atonement; connection of all texts for Section C


  1. Revise Paper 1 Poetry and The Importance of Being Earnest




No 34.



  1. Teach Paper 2 Section B and C – Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Browning/Crabbe/Wilde and connection of these texts



  1. No 33





  1. Revise Paper 2 Unseen Extract Question




Paper 1 Section C & make question cover Tam, MRH eg. Gender question

Half-termly assessment Paper 2 Section A Unseen Extract Drama (eg. The Crucible)



Paper 2A- Elements of Crime Writing

Paper 1b –Aspects of Comedy



Paper 2A- Elements of Crime Writing

Paper 1b –Aspects of Comedy

  1. Mock – Paper 2 full mock. -Go through mock



  1. Develop examination skills


  1. Revise Paper 1 –Aspects of Comedy


  1. Revise Paper 2 – Elements of Crime Writing


35.Mock –Paper 2 full mock.  -Go through mock



36.Develop examination skills


37.Revise Paper 1 – Aspects of Comedy


38.Revise Paper 2 – Elements of Crime Writing


Enrichment Opportunities for English Literature Students

We offer a wide range of enrichment opportunities for students of English Litearature.  These include: visiting speakers and links to industry (such as journalists, actors and lawyers),, trips to museums and libraries (such as The John Rylands Library, Elizabeth Gaskell House, and The Bronte House), university workshops and taster days, lunchtime and afterschool clubs and competitions (These include accredited Oxbridge competitions such as The Christopher Tower Poetry Competition).  Obviously during the Covid pandemic, some of these opportunities have varied in their availability and delivery.

Cross-Curricular Links with English Literature

English Literature connects directly to a range of different subjects, including History, RE, Politics.  The coursework component equips students with analytical essay writing skills required for all other subjects.