
Community Enrichment

Year 12 Community Enrichment and Study Skills Programme

The Sixth Form Community Enrichment Programme aims to provide students with the opportunity to extend and develop their skills beyond A-Level study and the usual classroom environment. In line with our school virtues, our Year 12 students work with members of both our school community and the wider community in Sale across a range of different projects; recently, this has included reading partnerships with local primary and secondary schools, leading Spanish after-school clubs for Key Stage 2 students and organising afternoon tea events for local residents living in residential homes. Year 12 students have also organised and run Hall Competitions in school for students in Years 7-11.

New options are developed every year and Year 12 students select which option they would like to take part in from October half term onwards.

Before Year 12 students embark on their chosen Community Enrichment options, in the first half term of the academic year, a range of taught lessons are delivered to students to help them develop the key study skills that are vital to success at A Level. By focusing on effective note-taking, revision and independent study strategies, as well as the importance of resilience and organisation, we help our students make the transition to A Level study by equipping them with key study-related skills they will need.