
Exam Information - Results

A Level Results Day

Firstly, for the very many students who are celebrating excellent results today, our warmest congratulations. If, for whatever reason, you have not had the results you were hoping for, please be reassured that staff are on hand to help and assist in any way they can.

If you have any queries or concerns about your results, then we hope that the following information in the handbook will be useful.

Any queries or questions about your GCSE, AS or A level results should be directed to the Exams Office at

For any broader academic queries from Year 11 students, Mr Crane, Head of Student Development, can be contacted at For those students in Year 13, Miss Mattox, Head of Sixth Form can be contacted at


Results Handbook

For all information regarding Post Results Services please click below.


GCSE Results Day

Information wil be here on 22nd August.

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Results Handbook 14th Aug 2024 Download